Report Criteria Overview

Report Criteria are used to filter the records that will be included in a report, and are specified in the Report Criteria window. This window is displayed each time you run a report, unless you have specified that the report should be run with default criteria.

Report Criteria can also be set as On-the-Fly in the Report Preview window. For more information, see On-the-Fly Criteria.

ClosedCriteria Library

The left side of the window lists options from the Criteria Library, allowing you to quickly select predefined criteria that are commonly used at your organization. The current report is always listed at the top, identifying the criteria saved for this specific report.

Below the current report, all records in the Criteria Library for this type of report are listed in alphabetical order. The option highlighted and marked as Default is the one currently in effect for the report.

To use a record from the Criteria Library as criteria for the current report, select the criteria record and click Apply. For more information about the Criteria Library, see Criteria Library.

ClosedSet Criteria

The right side of the Report Criteria window provides intuitive prompts to help you define your desired criteria. The list of fields that can be used to create your criteria vary dependent on the type of report. In most reports, there are more fields available than can fit in the allocated space. Use the vertical scroll bar to view additional fields.

If the report includes Fixed Criteria, the fixed criteria are displayed at the top of the window. Many reports in Maintenance Connection include fixed criteria that cannot be modified by end users. This ensures that important criteria cannot be inadvertently modified during report modification.

Contact Maintenance Connection Support if you need to change the fixed criteria defined for a report.

Each row in the Report Criteria window allows you to define an expression that determines which records to include or exclude in the report. The more expressions that are defined, the more filtered your results will be. Values that are left blank are ignored when the report is run.

There are three additional controls in the Report Criteria window:

  • Save: Allows you to save changes that you have made to Report Criteria.


    Saved report criteria are permanently saved, ensuring that the criteria are used each time the report is run. Ensure that the correct record is highlighted on the left prior to clicking Save.

    If you only want to have the changes you are specifying used for this single execution (run) of the report, do not click Save prior to running the report. Instead, use the Apply button.

    You must be a member of an access group with permission to Save Report Criteria in order to use this feature.

  • Display Criteria on Report: Allows you to display the defined criteria in the Report Preview window.

    This ensures that viewers of the report know which records have been included.

  • More: Allows you to define custom criteria for this run of the report.

    Custom criteria allow you to create expressions using fields not listed in the window. Custom Criteria are only in effect for the current run of the report; they cannot be saved with Report Criteria.